By Stephanie Doll, Braveheart Intern

Life changes when we move away from home. We adjust to new environments, build
new relationships, and find new rhythms to our day. There’s no promise of it being a Winter
Wonderland, but there is a promise of learning something new. It may seem nerve-racking
to move nine hundred miles from home, but that wasn’t the case for me. Think about it. It’s
Montana, the Big Sky Country! Moving here was like a breath of fresh air and liberation
for my soul. I’ve learned and experienced so much. It is crazy knowing I’ve been here for
three months. Time flies when you’re having fun, especially when it’s with Braveheart
Chaplain Ministry.
At my first fire training, the chief taught first responders different techniques for
putting out a fire. Suddenly, he said something so profound that I had to ponder it later; “Go
slow to go fast.” We see first responders rush to scenes with their lights and sirens on, but
do we ever think of the brain power and self-control it takes to work in that field? I
wondered that for years until this internship. They take control, work as a team, and seek
to save, protect, and care for civilians. Rather than letting their minds lose focus, they
slow their reactions to swiftly enter the scene.
I’ve gained respect for the first responder world. They do things we will never
understand, carry a majority of the weight of our cities, and love their people in ways we
are not equipped to do.
Love can be challenging as a first responder, especially when being disrespected,
persecuted, and threatened by the people they are protecting. A wise woman once said it is
easier to love when we know we are loved. This got me thinking. How do I show love to first
responders? Growing up, my mother taught me the power of food. Now I am no chef, but I
do know how to make Dunkin Hines fudge brownies. I love what Aland D. Wolfelt said;
“Food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate.” So, with lots of chocolate chips,
candy canes, icing, Reese’s Pieces, and pretzels, I was able to show my appreciation for
Evergreen Fire Department. First responders, just like us, love being loved.
While meditating on the chief’s quote, I wondered how fast our appreciation would
grow if we slowed down to show our thankfulness. My opinion is that it would be sooner
than we think. I know they care for us. Therefore, we should care for them. As they go slow
to go fast in protection for us, may we go slow to go fast in showing our love for them.
If you have ideas on how to show your appreciation to first responders, please leave
a comment below. We would love to hear!