Fire at St. Matthew’s Church

Photo Credit: Hilary Matheson, Daily Interlake

I was unavailable to help on Sunday during the fire, but I arrived at the church building around 8:00 a.m. the morning after. My hope was to visit with the priest as he would likely feel its impact in a significant way.

Upon arriving, community leaders who are a part of the congregation were visiting with Father Rod in the parking lot and making sure the priest knows they will help with anything they can. Afterward, the Kalispell Fire Chief, priest, and key church members are gathered outside. The overall event is discussed as well as information regarding the building’s condition is provided. Prayers for specific needs are requested of me which I agree to offer in the days ahead. I also visit with a responder who is a long-term member of the church.

We are all thankful that no one was injured, that the sanctuary was not damaged beyond smoke infiltration, and that the incident will likely draw the congregation together and positive things will come from it.